“汉语桥”来华团组日常生活课程 - 河北正定中学 - 河北正定中学-米库拉什科瓦卡双语中学学科汉语文化主题冬令营 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

Gymnázium Hebei Zhengding-Bilingválna Gymnázium Mikuláša Kováča Predmet Zimný tábor s čínskou kultúrou


Daily Life Courses of Chinese Bridge Delegation


Course Syllabus 课程章节


The courses select the most concerned and frequently-used topics for those foreigners coming to China for the first time, and help them quickly understand and integrate into the local society. These 11 short films include customs clearance instructions for inbound passengers, mobile network, payment, high-speed rail, taxi, bus, shared bicycle, hotel, take-out food, meal, and common apps, which display different aspects of contemporary daily lives in China.


General Courses 通用课程