中国传统书画与琵琶 - 大连外国语大学 - 翰墨丹青话琵琶——赏民乐、学书画 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

Appreciate Folk Music & Learn Calligraphy and Painting


Traditional Chinese Painting ,Calligraphy and Pipa


Course Syllabus 课程章节


The content share three aspects. First of all, to explore the connection between traditional Chinese poetry, calligraphy and paintings.Secondly, to appreciate the pipa drawing by Guo Xu, a famous painter in Ming Dynasty.Last but not least, to show the image of pipa in traditional Chinese poetry and paintings. The above is the whole content of this course. Learning traditional Chinese poetry, calligraphy, and painting is of great benefit to everyone's self-cultivation, cultivation of sentiment,understanding of art, and improvement of aesthetics.At the same time, traditional Chinese poetry, calligraphy and painting also embodies the wisdom and essence of the Chinese nation for thousands of years, not only the creative skills, but also the character and spirit of the Chinese nation.Reading poems, writing Chinese characters, and painting Chinese paintings are the best choices for everyone to understand and experience Chinese culture.



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