古筝赏析 - 大连外国语大学 - 丝竹婉转话养生——赏民乐,学中医 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

Appreciate Chinese Folk Music&Learn about Traditional Chinese Medicine


Appreciation of Guzheng


Course Syllabus 课程章节


Guzheng, an ancient plucked string instrument, has a story of over 2,000 years. It originated in the Qin Dynasty during the Warring States period, so it is also known as Qinzheng.It can perform not only the ancient music but also the popular and folk music. It can also perform foreign music, fulfilling the integration of eastern and western culture. Lots of dance music has been performed by Guzheng, such as Yuzhouchangwan, Gaoshanliushui, Liuyanghe and etc.Some of them are classical and some are adapted.National features evolve with the changes in people’s lives and in music like opera, songs, and poems .


Course Syllabus


General Courses 通用课程