太极站桩基本动作及呼吸法 - 北京体育职业学院 - “汉语桥”线上团组“中华武术魂”主题交流营 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

The ‘Chinese Bridge’ Online Group ‘The Soul of Chinese Martial Arts’


Basic Movements and Breathing Methods for Taijiquan Pile Standing


Course Syllabus 课程章节


Taijiquan, a representative boxing type in martial arts, is a world-class intangible cultural heritage, with the core idea of TaiChi and Yin-Yang dialectics in traditional Chinese I Change and Taoist philosophies, is soft, slow, light, rigid, and gentle boxing with both internal and external training, which combines the changes in Yin-Yang and Five Elements of I Ching, Chinese medicine channels, and ancient guidance and aspiration skills. By studying this course, students can have a preliminary understanding of the basic theoretical knowledge of Taijiquan, master the basic essentials of Taijiquan pile standing and its fitness principles, and understand several ways of breathing cooperation in Taijiquan exercise. It is hoped that you can achieve the effect of physical and mental maintenance through pile standing practice.

太极拳作为武术当中极具代表性的拳种,是世界级非物质文化遗产, 它是以中国传统易、道哲学中的太极、阴阳辩证理念为核心思想,融合中医经络学,古代的导引术和吐纳术形成的一种内外兼修、柔和、缓慢、轻灵、刚柔相济的拳术。通过本课程的学习,使学生能够初步了解太极拳的基础理论知识,掌握太极拳站桩的基本要领及其健身原理, 领会太极拳练习中呼吸配合的几种方式,希望大家能够通过站桩练习达到身心俱修的效果。

General Courses 通用课程