冬奥主题语言课程 - 北华大学 - 北华大学2022年“一起向未来 携手庆冬奥”冬奥主题多国学生线上团组交流项目 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

Beihua University “Together for a Shared Future and Join hands to the Winter Olympics” 2022 Online Exchange Program Winter Olympics Themed for Multinational Students

北华大学2022年“一起向未来 携手庆冬奥”冬奥主题多国学生线上团组交流项目

Winter Olympics themed language courses


Course Syllabus 课程章节


The courses mainly introduce the language knowledge related to Winter Olympics, including the content of its historical development, the design of the emblem and the torch, its competition events, the venues and the athletes of the Winter Olympics, as well as the introduction of Paralympic Winter Games. Through the courses, students can understand the related knowledge and feel the sports culture charm of the Winter Olympic Games, to improve their enthusiasm in learning Chinese.


General Courses 通用课程