独具匠心学剪纸 - 山东师范大学 - “儒舟览胜·礼阅华夏”文化特色冬令营 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

“Taking the Confucianism boat trip around China”Winter cultural camp


Learn to cut paper with your hands


Course Syllabus 课程章节


"The academic and literary circles look up to the reputation, and the knives cut paper all over the elite". A pair of scissors, a piece of paper, "click, click, click", in a short time, a vivid image will leap onto the paper. The red paper is engraved with one character, animal or plant after another, and wherever it is, it is a bright landscape. Let's enter the world of paper cutting together and learn to cut out the pieces that make your heart sing.

“学界文坛仰盛名,操刀剪纸遍精英”。一把剪刀,一张纸, “咔嚓、咔嚓”,不一会儿,一个个鲜活的形象便跃然于纸上。红色的纸张上,刻画着一个又一个人物、动物或植物,无论它在哪里,都是一道亮丽的风景。让我们一起走进剪纸的世界,学习剪出让你心动的作品吧。

General Courses 通用课程