汉字文化 - 天津师范大学 - 相约云端学汉语 畅游津门品文化 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

To learn Chinese in the cloud and to savour Chinese Culture in the city of Tianjin

相约云端学汉语 畅游津门品文化

The Chinese character culture


Course Syllabus 课程章节


Chinese characters, the writing system that records The Chinese language, are also one of the oldest characters in the world. Chinese characters have a long history, containing thousands of years of Chinese civilization. For international students, learning to write Chinese characters is to lay a good foundation of Chinese language, while learning Chinese character culture is to advance the understanding of Chinese language. This course aims to give international students who love Chinese language and culture a preliminary understanding and understanding of Chinese cultural knowledge, so as to enhance their interest in Learning Chinese characters and improve their ability to recognize and use Chinese characters. The content of the course mainly includes: the origin of Chinese characters, the evolution of Chinese characters, the structure of Chinese characters, the recognition and use of Chinese characters, Chinese characters and Chinese culture and Chinese character art, etc., with a total of one hour.

汉字,是记录汉语的文字系统,也是世界上最古老 的文字之一。汉字历史悠久,蕴含了中华民族几千年的文明。对于国际学生来 说,学写汉字是打好汉语基础,而学好汉字文化,则是对汉语理解的进阶。该课 程旨在让热爱中国语言文字和中国文化的国际学生对汉字文化知识有一个初步的 了解和认识,从而增强其对汉字学习的兴趣,提高识认汉字和使用汉字的能力。 课程内容主要包括:汉字的起源、汉字形体的演变、汉字的构造、汉字的识认与 使用、汉字与中国文化以及汉字艺术等,共计1小时。

General Courses 通用课程