“灵动中国”短视频大赛 - 吉林大学 - 吉林大学“行摄东北”乌克兰青年学生在线中文课堂 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

Insight into Northeast China: JLU Online Chinese Courses – Ukraine


Eyes on China - Short Video Contest


Course Syllabus 课程章节


As an online interactive activity, campers will be invited to shoot short videos in Chinese under the guidance of Chinese teachers around five themes: “Walking along the Belt and Road”, “China in My Eyes - Beautiful Countryside”, “My Story with China”, “Culture in Harmony, Harmony without uniformity” and “Music without Borders” to show their achievements in Chinese language learning and their love for Chinese language and culture.


Course Syllabus


General Courses 通用课程