河北城市 - 河北中医药大学 - 汉语桥•中医文化 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

Chinese Bridge•Chinese Medicine Culture


Cities In Hebei Province


Course Syllabus 课程章节


Hebei province is briefly named as ji, with Shijiazhuang as its provincial seat. Hebei lies in the north of China around Beijing and Tianjin, covering a total area of 188,800 sq km. According to authoritative population survey, the total population of the province was 75,919,700 in 2019. Hebei is the sole province with seashore, plains, lakes, hills and plateaus in China and has distinct seasons.

河北(hé běi)省,简称冀,省会石家庄。河北位于中国的北部,环绕着北京和天津。总面积为18.88万平方千米。2019年常住总人口7591.97万。河北省是中国唯一兼有高原、山地、丘陵、平原、湖泊和海滨的省份。大部分地区四季分明。

Course Syllabus


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