Chinese Folk Dance

Course Syllabus 课程章节
1When you think of Chinese dance, you will immediately think of exaggerated costumes, melodious songs, rolling over and virtuosity, and Chinese folk dances in Chinese style.Chinese dance is a collection of dances from multiple ethnic minorities. Their dances contribute to the China featured dance. Understanding and learning Mongolian、Dai dance, not only can know cultural details of Mongolian、Dai nation, but also understand Chinese culture in a deeper way.
提到中国舞蹈就会立刻想到夸张艳丽的服饰、曲调婉转的歌曲、翻腾炫技且极具中国风儿的中国民间舞蹈。中国舞蹈由多个少数民族舞蹈集合而成 ,形成具有中国特色的中国舞蹈,了解与学习蒙古族舞蹈、傣族舞蹈,不仅是在表达蒙古民族、傣族的文化细节,同时也是在更深一步的了解中国文化