中国剪纸 - 大连工业大学 - “看天辽地宁,学中国文化”——大连工业大学2022年“汉语桥”辽宁特色文化主题线上团组交流项目 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

Enjoy the Scenery of Liaoning, Learn Chinese Culture: 2022 DPU-“Chinese Bridge” Online Delegation of Characteristic Liaoning Culture


Chinese Paper-cut


Course Syllabus 课程章节


Paper-cut is a popular folk art in China, also known as mother art, she carries the ancient memory of the Chinese nation in the evolution of human civilization, which has always been with us. Nowadays, Chinese paper-cut has been listed as a representative list of human intangible cultural heritage, which is a worldwide topic for the inheritance and protection of paper-cut. Through this course of paper-cut culture and basic techniques of explanation and demonstration, hoping that more people can feel the charm of paper-cut, and wish your life will be beautiful and clean because of paper-cut!


General Courses 通用课程