藏在夜市里的武汉味道 - 武汉职业技术学院 - “汉语桥”印尼5G移动通信技术“中文+职业技能”培训项目 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

Indonesia 5G Mobile Communication Technology Chinese+ Vocational Skills Training Program


The Night Life in Wuhan


Course Syllabus 课程章节


When the night falls, the streets and alleys of Wuhan begin to get busy. People rushed into major night markets in Wuhan to enjoy themselves and say goodbye to the fatigue of the day. Baocheng Road night market on Jianghan Road gets crowded and vendors hawk constantly. Wandering with friends on Baocheng Road, people in Wuhan have started the nightlife. Hiding beside Jianghan Road, Baocheng Road is different from the prosperous Jianghan Road. It is more down to earth. It brings you different feelings every time visiting here.


General Courses 通用课程