中国饮食文化体验——制作驴打滚 - 北京外国语大学 - 汉语·印象 2021北京外国语大学欧洲大学生线上夏令营 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

2021 BFSU Immersion & Impression Online Summer Camp for European College School Students

汉语·印象 2021北京外国语大学欧洲大学生线上夏令营

Traditional Chinese food—Making Lǘdagun


Course Syllabus 课程章节


This video course introduces the origin, basics, types, ingredients, and making process of Ludagun. With the demonstration of the detailed steps of making Ludagun, it displays the culture and wisdom in the traditional Chinese food, and deepens foreign students’ interest and understanding of Chinese food culture.


General Courses 通用课程