养生药膳 - 南京中医药大学 - “汉语桥”南美青年中医文化线上夏令营 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

“Chinese Bridge” Chinese Medicine Culture Online Summer Camp for South American Youth


Introduction to Medicinal Diet


Course Syllabus 课程章节


The lecturer, Professor Shi Hongfei, has been engaged in the research of medicinal diet nutrition after graduating from the university in 1982. He has systematically organized the related theoretical and scientific system of medicinal diet nutrition, has been engaged in the research of medicinal diet technology standards for more than 30 years, and summarized the cooking processing and application methods of medicinal diet.The main contents of the course are as follows: Under the guidance of Chinese medicine theory, raw materials of edible medicinal herbs and food are jointly processed into meals, cuisines with excellent color, fragrance, taste, appearance and effect. Actually, some traditional Chinese cuisines are medicinal diet. “Color, fragrance, taste, appearance” are important precondition of Medicinal Diet, “Effect” is the spirit of Medicinal Diet. Generally speaking, medicinal diet is delicious food!The key of cooking and processing is to use water as the heat transfer medium, such as stewing, simmering, braising and steaming; avoid frying. In terms of diet, porridge, soup, tea, and other easy-to-digest forms are the main forms; avoid cold, greasy, hard, etc. The typical medicinal diets are Braised Pork Ball with Fu Ling (Poria) Powder, Stewed Mandarin Fish with Xi Yang Shen (American Ginseng), Yu Zhu (radix polygonati officinalis) with Spinach in Sauce, Salt stewed velvet antler with shrimp, Boiled Dumplin with Ju Hong (Pummelo Peel), etc.

主讲教师施洪飞教授,1982年大学本科毕业后一直从事药膳营养的研究工作,系统整理了药膳营养的相关理论科学体系,从事药膳工艺标准研究30余年,总结了药膳烹饪加工及应用方法。本次课程主要内容有:药膳的实质是在中医药理论和实践的指导下,将可食性中药和普通食物原料共 同烹饪 加工成 色、香 、味 、形 、效俱佳的膳食,有些中国传统美食本身就是药膳。“色、香、味 、形”是药膳的重要前提,“效”是 药膳存在的灵魂 ,药膳就是美食。药膳加工要领是在烹饪方法上要以炖焖煨煮蒸等以水为传热媒介为主,忌用油炸等;在膳食形式上以粥汤羹茶饮等易消化吸收的形态为主,忌生冷油腻坚硬等。经典药膳实例有茯苓狮子头、生脉鳜鱼、玉竹拌菠菜、鹿茸盐水虾、橘红水饺等药膳。

General Courses 通用课程