云端参观学校图书馆 - 南京中医药大学 - “汉语桥”南美青年中医文化线上夏令营 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

“Chinese Bridge” Chinese Medicine Culture Online Summer Camp for South American Youth


On-line visit on school’s library


Course Syllabus 课程章节


In this course we have introduced the ancient TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) Book Department in the Library. The course has been divided into two phases. In Phase 1, we showed the storage location of all the ancient books. In Phase 2, we visited the exhibition of Dr.Gan Zuwang, the national renowned TCM doctor at our university. Through his life story, we understood that all these ancient books made a profound impact on his TCM learning journey and career.


General Courses 通用课程