华服展示 - 重庆理工大学 - “云游中国、感知中华”线上冬令营项 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

“Perceiving China via an Online Tour” Chinese Bridge Winter Camp Hosted Online by Chongqing University of Technology in 2020


Display of Chinese clothing


Course Syllabus 课程章节


Chinese culture is extensive and profound, China is known as the "dress on the country, the state of etiquette" beauty."Zuozhuan Dinggong ten years" said :"Because China is a state of etiquette, it is called Xia; The Chinese dress is very beautiful, so it is called Hua. ", so called "Huaxia ", From the beginning of HuangDi to the widespread promotion of people to wear clothes, so good governance of the country peace and tranquility., Han clothing has a basic form.Chongqing University of Technology teachers led us into the world of Han suit.


General Courses 通用课程