中国书法 - 山东大学 - 汉语桥线上交流项目——文化特色 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

“Chinese Bridge” online communication program -Cultural Characteristics


The Art of Chinese Calligraphy


Course Syllabus 课程章节


This lecture “The Art of Chinese Calligraphy” consists of three parts: Chinese characters, Chinese calligraphy and experiencing the Chinese brush. The origin and development of Chinese characters offers students an interesting start in this lecture. It helps students grasp the characteristics of Chinese calligraphy and its impact on Chinese people. Character puzzles and games help students recognize the happiness of Chinese people’s life as dotted with Chinese characters. The appreciation of Chinese calligraphic works selected from daily life implies that Chinese calligraphy is an art of writing. The basic knowledge of Chinese calligraphy, for example, calligraphic instruments, styles and tablets, as well as famous calligraphers and their masterpieces, helps learners obtain skills of calligraphy appreciation. The practice helps students learn the right way of sitting and holding a brush. During the experience, the lecturer guides learners to create their own calligraphic work based on the introduction to the compositions of calligraphic works.


General Courses 通用课程