中国概况-中国石油(中级班) - 中国石油大学(华东) - “学中国语言之美,感当代中国之魅”汉语中级班 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

Intermediate Language Learners’ Two-week Online Winter Camp: Discover the Charm of Modern China, Chinese Language and Culture


Survey of China-China Petroleum(intermediate class)


Course Syllabus 课程章节


As we all know, oil is an important non-renewable resources which occupies more than 50% of the world's energy, known as the "Blood of Industry, Black Gold". In this class, the lecturer will introduce the general situation of oil in China. In the first part of the class, we are going to learn the following four aspects: the usage of oil, the exploitation of oil, the distribution of oil around the world and the main oil fields in China. The content of second part includes four aspects, which are China's demand for oil, China's imported oil, China's petroleum enterprises and the development of new energy.


General Courses 通用课程