殷墟与汉字 - 北京语言大学 - 2020汉语桥“语通中外·言达世界”——亚洲高级汉语人才线上研修班 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

The 2020 Chinese Bridge: Online Training of Advanced Asian Talent in Chinese


Yin Dynasty Ruins and Chinese Characters


Course Syllabus 课程章节


Let’s walk into the Yin Dynasty Ruins, reading thousands of inscriptions on bones or tortoise shells, enlightening the ancient civilization in the darkness of the history, connecting the ancient with modern, and leaving more elegance to our life. It’s difficult to research professionally the ancient oracle bone inscriptions as a major, and in this domain, it’s almost impossible to get the achievement in the short term. However, it is feasible and even necessary to have a general understanding of its features, functions, and some relevant basic knowledge and theories, so as to broaden our horizons, develop interests, and promote thinking. This lecture takes two class hours to discuss the following issues: to introduce the discovery and excavation process of Yin Ruins and oracle bone inscriptions; to analyze the primary role of the discovery of oracle bone inscriptions, that is, to prove the history of Shang Dynasty and to dispel the doubts about the history of Shang Dynasty in the world; specifically to analyze three messages of divination on oracle bone inscriptions, for getting the basic nature and structure of messages of divination, and to summarize the contents recorded with oracle bone inscriptions; to know about the structure and form of some common characters with oracle bone inscriptions, to analyze the consistency from oracle bone inscriptions to modern Chinese characters and the historical significance of this consistency; and to analyze the significance of the research on oracle bone inscriptions to the modern society.

步入殷墟,阅万甲千骨,启文明于幽暗,贯古今于一维,加生活以高雅。 古老的甲骨文有其艰深繁难的一面,专业地学习研究,确实不是一朝一夕可成。但是,大致认识其风貌,其作用,了解一些相关的基础知识和理论,以开阔眼界,开发兴趣,促进思考,则是可行的,甚至是必要的。 本讲座用两课时的时间,讨论以下问题:介绍殷墟和甲骨文的发现和发掘过程;分析甲骨文之发现的首要作用——证明殷商的历史,破除世界上对商代历史的怀疑;具体分析三条甲骨卜辞,分析甲骨卜辞的基本性质和内容结构,概括介绍甲骨文记录的内容;认识一些个常用字的甲骨文字形,分析从甲骨文到现代汉字的一致性,和这种一致性的历史意义;分析甲骨文研究的现代意义。

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