高级汉语课——琴弦上的蝴蝶 - 北京语言大学 - 2020汉语桥“语通中外·言达世界”——亚洲高级汉语人才线上研修班 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

The 2020 Chinese Bridge: Online Training of Advanced Asian Talent in Chinese


Advanced Chinese Course —— Butterflies on strings


Course Syllabus 课程章节


This is an advanced Chinese class, but it brings you more than the improvement of your Chinese level. You will listen to a violin concerto that is well known in China. The beautiful melody has moved the world and will also move you. With the teacher's explanation, you will know the sad love story behind the music, and appreciate the charm of Chinese opera in the wonderful performance of Yue opera. When you marvel that it is "Romeo and Juliet of China", the text reveals the twists and turns in music creation and tells you the great musical achievements of this music. In the course, you will learn a lot of useful words, authentic expressions and also understand the distinctive Chinese culture. You'll have a good 80 minutes. Welcome to the world of Liang Zhu.

这是一堂高级汉语课,但带给你的不仅仅是汉语水平的提高。你将聆听到一首在中国家喻户晓的小提琴曲,优美的旋律感动了世界,也会感动你。随着老师的讲解,你将了解到乐曲背后那段凄美的爱情故事,并在精彩的越剧表演中领略到中国戏曲的魅力。当你惊叹它是“中国的罗密欧与朱丽叶”时,课文又为你揭开了乐曲创作中所经历的一波三折,并告诉你乐曲取得的了不起的音乐成就。在课程中,你会学习到很多有用的词语、地道的表达,也能了解到富有特色的中国文化。你将度过愉快充实的80分钟。 欢迎你进入“梁祝”的世界。

General Courses 通用课程