在线文化交流项目(2):“美食,有意思!” - 厦门大学 - 2021“汉语桥”线上游学营(厦门大学) - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

2021 Online Learning Camp of the “Chinese Bridge” (Xiamen University)


Online Cultural Project (2):“ Delicious Food, Interesting!”


Course Syllabus 课程章节


1. Interesting delicious food that do not live up to the name 2. Live shooting of street snacks in Beijing 3. Teach students to make the traditional Chinese snack "Sugar-coated Haws on a Stick"

1.“名不副实”的趣味美食 2.北京街头小吃实景拍摄等 3.教学员制作中国传统小吃“冰糖葫芦”

General Courses 通用课程