中国故事 - 燕山大学 - 中国文化通识课 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台



Chinese Stories


Course Syllabus 课程章节


This course is divided into two parts, the first part is the Chinese story, the second part is the cultural experience. The main contents are as follows: First of all, I will tell two stories through vivid and interesting videos and pictures -- Hua Mulan's joining the army instead of her father and Ma Yun's starting his own business. The story of Mulan mainly tells that Mulan disguised herself as a man, joined the army instead of her father. This story reflects not only loyalty and filial piety, but also the spirit of Chinese women. The story of Jack Ma mainly tells that Jack Ma was good at discovering business opportunities and worked hard to start his own business. It shows the indomitable and innovative spirit of the Chinese people in the new era. Then, I'm going to show you a video of Chinese people’s daily life, so that you can observe and experience the life in Modern China through my lens. I believe that you will have a real experience of China. Looking forward to meeting you in my class.

本课程分为两个部分,第一个部分是中国故事,第二个部分是文化体验。主要内容如下: 首先,我将通过生动有趣的视频和图片为您讲述两个故事——花木兰替父从军和马云创业。花木兰的故事主要讲述了花木兰女扮男装、替父从军、忠孝两全,也体现了自古以来中国女性巾帼不让须眉的精神。马云的故事主要讲述了马云善于发现商机,艰苦创业的事迹,展现了中国人不屈不挠、勇于创新的新时代精神。 接下来,我将为您展示中国人的日常生活视频,让您能够通过我的镜头零距离观察和感受中国的生活,相信您将会对这个国家有更真实的体验。 期待与您在课堂相遇。

Course Syllabus


General Courses 通用课程