中国茶 - 燕山大学 - 中国文化通识课 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台



Chinese Tea


Course Syllabus 课程章节


Chinese tea culture is one of the representatives of Chinese national culture, with a long history, profound cultural deposits and wide dissemination scope. This Chinese tea art course tells the connotation of Chinese tea culture from three aspects: first, the development history of Chinese tea; second, tea and Chinese People's Daily life; third, the performing art of Chinese tea.In the first part, we introduce the origin of tea drinking in Shennong, which lasted until the Ming and Qing Dynasties and modern times. At the same time, we introduced the classification of green tea, white tea and black tea, as well as the origin and taste characteristics of various kinds of tea. We also taught students the types of tea with higher quality, such as Pu 'er, Da Hong Pao and Tieguanyin. In the second part, we introduced several daily scenes of Chinese people drinking tea, such as marriage, business negotiation, dinner and so on.At the same time, we let the students know about different ways of tea drinking culture in other countries after they came into contact with Chinese tea, such as Matcha in Japan, afternoon tea in England and cold brewed tea in America. After that, we also introduced the benefits of drinking Chinese tea, such as refreshing your brain, boosting your metabolism and so on. In the last part, we watched the video of tea art performance, learned about the origin of Chinese tea art performance and Chinese culture, and let the students have a more profound experience of Chinese tea culture

中国茶文化历史悠久,底蕴深厚,传播范围较广,这是中国民族文化的代表之一。本中国茶艺课程从三个方面讲述中国茶文化的内涵:一: 中国茶的发展历史 ,二 :茶和中国人的日常生活 ,三:中国茶的表演艺术。在第一部分里,我们介绍了神农尝百草的饮茶起源,这种饮茶习惯一直延续到明清和近现代。同时我们讲述了绿茶及白茶和红茶等茶叶的分类,以及各种茶叶的原产地和它们的品尝起来的味道特点,课上还教授了同学们普洱和大红袍及铁观音等品质较高的茶叶种类。在第二部分里,我们介绍了中国人喝茶的几种日常的生活场景,比如结婚,商业洽谈,请客等等。同时我们让同学们了解了其他国家在接触中国茶之后自己不同方式的饮茶文化,,比如日本抹茶和英国下午茶还要美国的冷泡茶等等。之后我们还介绍喝中国茶的好处,比如可以提神醒脑,促进新陈代谢等等。最后一部分我们观看了茶艺的表演视频,了解了中国茶艺表演和中国文化的渊源,让同学们更深刻感受到中国的茶文化。

Course Syllabus


General Courses 通用课程