中国节日 - 燕山大学 - 中国文化通识课 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台



Chinese Festivals


Course Syllabus 课程章节


China is a multi-ethnic country with a long history of about 5,000 years. In its ever-forward history course there have developed a good number of traditional festivals which are of rich varieties and long standing. The culture of festivals rooted deeply in the people, and it thus shows its enormous vitality. In spite of the change of times, it has gradually become part of the heritages of the colorful Chinese culture.Though the lifestyles of Chinese people have kept changing over the years, the importance of those traditional festivals in Chinese lives has not faded. Each unique festival has a different way of celebration activities. In the first part of the course, I have introduced Qingming Festival, Dragon Boat Festival, Qixi, Mid Autumn Festival, Chongyang Festival and Spring Festival. Among them, the coming festival of the Spring Festival Customs focused on explanation. As peoples living conditions keep improving and their lifestyles change gradually, the ways of celebrating the festivals have changed, too. Combining both tradition and fashion, they show a trend of diversification. A large number of people stick to the traditional customs no more and begin to choose a more simple and casual way to celebrate the festivals. Some new stuff drew people's attention: the Internet and short messages have brought a brand-new way of expressing good wishes between people. The Chinese festivals and the festival life of the Chinese people are getting more and more colorful and exciting. China covers a large area and consists of a number of ethnic groups. Different areas and ethnic groups have formed different customs concerning food, clothing, shelter and transport festivals, courtesies, sacrifices and religion, weddings and funerals. There are quite a lot of charming ethnic group festivals with unique colors celebrated in China. I’d like to introduce several ethnic festivals in this course, like the double-third festival for Zhuang people in Guangxi autonomous region, and the Shoton festival in Tibet. All of these customs of ethnic groups have lasted for hundreds of years and have become part of the culture of different areas and ethnic groups. some of them become the festivals and customs shared by all the Chinese people and merged into the traditional Chinese culture.

中国是一个多民族国家,有着五千年的悠久历史。在其源远流长的历史进程中,形成了很多独具特色的传统节日。节日文化深入人心,显示出其巨大的生命力。历经时代变迁,它已逐渐成为中国灿烂多彩的一份文化遗产。尽管这些年来中国人的生活方式不断变化,但这些传统节日在中国人生活中的重要性并没有消失。每一个独特的节日都有不同的庆祝活动方式。 本课程第一部分介绍了清明节、端午节、七夕、中秋节、重阳节和春节。其中,对即将到来的节日春节的习俗着重进行了讲解。随着人们生活条件的不断改善和生活方式的逐渐改变,庆祝节日的方式也发生了变化。传统与时尚相结合,呈现多元化趋势。很多人不再固守传统习俗,开始选择一种更简单、更随意的方式来庆祝节日。一些新事物引起了人们的注意:互联网和短信等带来了一种全新的表达人与人之间美好愿望的方式。中国的节日和中国人的节日生活越来越丰富多彩。 中国幅员辽阔,民族众多。不同地区、不同民族在吃、穿、住、行、礼节、祭祀、宗教、婚丧等方面形成了不同的风俗习惯,形成了许多富有魅力、色彩独特的民族节日,如广西壮族的三月三和西藏的雪顿节。本课程第二部分介绍了几个少数名族节日。这些习俗都延续了几百年,已经成为不同地区、不同民族文化的一部分。同时,也有一些成为中华民族共同的节日和习俗,融入了中国传统文化。

Course Syllabus


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