中国影视欣赏——中国功夫电影 - 暨南大学 - 中国文化之岭南文化“云端”研修 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

Online Lectures and Cultural Experience About One of the Greatest Chinese Culture —— Lingnan Culture


The Film and Television Appreciation of China——Chinese Kungfu Movie


Course Syllabus 课程章节


This course introduces Chinese kungfu movies and Chinese kungfu stars. Chinese martial arts movie stars Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan and Jet Li were introduced respectively, with emphasis on Jackie Chan's two films: Drunken Master II and Chinese Zodiac, and Jet Li's famous work: Shaolin Temple. Through the window of Chinese kung fu movies, let the world understand the tenacity, optimism and humor of the Chinese people.


General Courses 通用课程