中国茶文化 - 河南省教育厅 - 快乐武术学汉语—2021 年“汉语桥”美国犹他州中学生线上冬令营 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

Chinese Language Studies Through Ecstatic Kungfu—2021 Chinese Bridge Virtual Winter Camp for Utah(USA)students

快乐武术学汉语—2021 年“汉语桥”美国犹他州中学生线上冬令营

Chinese Tea Culture


Course Syllabus 课程章节


Learning Objective: Students can tell about the classification of Chinese tea, its functions, and also the meaning of serving tea to guests and its role in Chinese hospitality. Tea is very important in China. It not only impacts the health of Chinese people, but also is integrated into all levels of social life. Understanding tea culture is critical to building respectful relationships with Chinese people. As the saying goes, "If the tea is good, customers will come often". It is often used as a metaphor to show that as long as a product is good, customers will like it and respond accordingly.

学习目标:学生可以说出中国茶的分类和其作用,还可以说出端茶送客、茶好客常来的意思。 茶在中国很重要,不仅影响中国人的健康,而且还影响中国人的社交生活。俗话说“茶好客常来”,这句话的意思是,如果茶很好喝,客人就会经常来,常用来比喻只要东西好,客人就会喜欢。

Course Syllabus


General Courses 通用课程