国宝探秘 - 杭州师范大学 - “汉语桥——杭•ZHOU”线上团组交流项目 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

Chinese Bridge Online Winter Camp-a Week’s Cultural Tour in Hangzhou


National Treasures


Course Syllabus 课程章节


Today we’d like to invite Haile Su, a foreign student from Egypt, one of the four great ancient civilizations to guide you on a tour of Liangzhu Museum, so as to get to know the civilization and its cultural relics. After leaving Liangzhu, let’s head for the southern district of the city. Hidden at the foot of Mantou Hill is another imperial city, the ruins of a memorable dynasty in the history of Hangzhou. It was the Southern Song Dynasty. Today we are honored to have foreign student Ping He from Hangzhou Normal University to lead us to explore the ancient culture of the dynasty.

今天我们邀请来自文明古国埃及的留学生素海乐来带领大家参观良渚博物馆,认识良渚的文物与文明。 离开良渚以后,我们向城南进发在馒头山脚下,隐匿着另一座帝王之城,那是杭州历史上一个值得铭记的朝代的遗址,这个朝代的名称就是南宋。今天我们邀请到了杭州师范大学的留学生何平来探索南宋的古老文化。

Course Syllabus


General Courses 通用课程