无声胜有声(大秧歌) - 鲁东大学 - 汉语桥韩国学生线上语言学习团 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

Chinese Bridge Online Chinese Language Study Group for Korean Students


Northeastern Yangko


Course Syllabus 课程章节


This lecture introduces Northeastern Yangko, a variety of Chinese folk dancing. It’s in an extremely joyful style, celebrating harvest or festivals. In this lecture, students may understand experiences of laboring people living in northeastern China and feel the folk custom of passion and hospitality there. The main content of this lecture is “Wan Hua”, which is one of typical and fundamental dancing moves in Northeastern Yangko. Generally speaking, when dancing this move, dancers will hold a red handkerchief bordered with lace.

本课程是中国民族舞蹈课程,主要讲授的是东北秧歌。东北秧歌是人们丰收或者在节日期间庆祝的一种民间舞蹈形式,极具喜庆感。通过本课程的学习,学习者可以体验到长期生活在东北地区人民生活劳作的感觉,同时东北地区热情的民风民俗也寓于这欢快的节奏之中。 本课程主要带领学生学习“挽花”。挽花是东北秧歌中极具代表性的动作,是学习秧歌的基础,一般来说,人们还会在手里拿一块镶边红手绢迈步做动作。

General Courses 通用课程