中国画 - 内蒙古师范大学 - 中国文化概况——内蒙古师范大学国际交流学院2020年“汉语桥”线上团组交流项目 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

Overview of Chinese Culture -- The 2020 “Chinese Bridge” Online Group Exchange Project of  International Exchange College of Inner Mongolia Normal University


Traditional Chinese Painting


Course Syllabus 课程章节


Traditional Chinese painting, one of the representatives of Chinese culture, is the main body of Chinese art and an important part of Chinese culture. The course, mainly about the techniques of expression in traditional Chinese painting, teaches the ability of holding and using the writing brush, and appreciating the paintings. Learners would also understand, realize, discover and apply for the beauty of traditional Chinese painting. There are three classes. In the first class, learners would be familiar with the basic tools of traditional Chinese painting, learn how to use the writing brush and ink, and experience the simple freehand brushwork of fruits with the help of the tutor. In the second class, learners would learn the brief history of traditional Chinese painting, including its formation, development, styles and schools, experience the freehand brushwork of avian feather, and appreciate the unique animation work of Chinese water-ink paintings. In the third class, learners would learn the meticulous brushwork and line-drawings in traditional Chinese painting, and watch the interaction between international students and a master of traditional Chinese painting. There is the introduction to knowledge and theory, the demonstration painting of a tutor and sample painting in the classes. Therefore, international students would learn the basic painting skills and create simple works of traditional Chinese painting. Traditional Chinese painting, represents Chinese culture and connotation, is the treasure and pride of Chinese culture with poetry, writing, painting and seal cutting. International students would master the basic painting skills of traditional Chinese painting, learn the cultural connotation, and understand the charming of Chinese national arts.

国画是中国艺术的代表之一,是中国美术的主体,是中华文化一个重要组成部分。本体验课程,以国画的表现手法为主要内容,教授学生的运笔能力和欣赏能力。培养学生认识中国国画之美,发现、欣赏并应用美的能力。 体验课共分三节: 第一节课,学生先认识笔等基本国画工具,学会用笔、用墨的方法,并跟随体验课教师学习简单水果写意画法。 第二节课,学习中国画简史,其形成、发展和风格流派。体验学习禽羽类的写意画法。并欣赏独具特色的中国水墨动画作品。 第三节课,学习中国画工笔白描的技法,实景观看留学生与国画大师的互动学习。 三节课程,不仅有知识理论介绍,还有教师的示范操作,还有作业示范,可以让留学生能够跟随课程学习到基础画技,创作简单的国画作品。 中国画代表了中华民族的文化修养和内涵,并融入诗、书、画、印,是中华民族文化的瑰宝和骄傲。内蒙古师范大学汉语桥远程课程的留学生们通过参加课程,可以掌握基本的国画技法,学习到国画的知识内涵,了解中华民族艺术的魅力所在。

General Courses 通用课程