中国美食 - 河北师范大学 - “汉语桥”大学生(巴西)线上学习交流团 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

“Chinese Bridge” College Students (Brazil) Online Learning Exchange Group


Chinese Delicacy


Course Syllabus 课程章节


Food is the first and daily necessity for men. Men can't go a day without eating. This course will focus on the theme of "eating" and introduce Chinese food. Chinese food is a reflector of Chinese culture. It is the reason many foreigners fell in love with China and understand China. However, because China is vast, Chinese food has gradually formed local cuisines with different flavors. This is due to the difference in the environment, customs, and eating habits of the people. Each cuisine has many dishes that it gets hard to choose. This course will introduce the most influential of the eight cuisines and the three most popular dishes in each cuisine based on statistics. Checking the menu and food names often becomes a problem. The language barrier makes the usually easy "food ordering" become a difficult task. Menus without display pictures will sometimes lead to ordering something different from what we want. Hence, in this class, we will be learning words that often appear on menus, so everyone gets to order food in China with no obstacle.

民以食为天,人不可一日无食,“吃饭”是我们每天必不可少的事情。本课程围绕“吃饭”这个主题,向大家介绍一些中国美食。中国美食是中国文化的一张重要名片,很多外国人因为美食而更加了解中国,甚至爱上中国。但是中国地大物博,长期以来,由于各个地方的地理环境、文化风俗、饮食习惯的不同,中国菜肴逐渐形成了不同风味的地方菜系。各个菜系中菜品众多,让人难以抉择。本课程根据最新大数据,向大家介绍其中最有影响力和代表性的是八大菜系的风味特点以及各个菜系中最受欢迎的三道菜。 另外,看菜单、菜名也常常会成为困扰大家的一个难题。有时语言不精通让平时很容易的“点菜”变得很难。菜单上没有图片的话,点的菜有时会跟想象中的天差地别。因此本课程中和大家一起学习菜单菜名中常出现的一些词,使大家在中国点餐畅通无阻。

Course Syllabus


General Courses 通用课程