传承与融合——海派饮食文化 - 上海交通大学 - “文化之旅:从传统中国到现代上海”线上交流项目 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

Cultural Journey: from traditional China to modern Shanghai


Shanghai Cuisine: Heritage and Fusion


Course Syllabus 课程章节


Shanghai is a city that accommodates different cultures and includes diversified elements. As an element of the Haipai Culture, Shanghai cuisine not only include Shanghai Benbang Cuisine, the traditional local family-style cooking, but also include Haipai Cuisine that have taken shape by fusing the characteristics of other cuisines. In this course, we will introduce the origin and characteristics of Shanghai Benbang Cuisine, take you to appreciate the classic Benbang dishes, know the time-honored restaurants in Shanghai, and introduce the Haipai Western Cuisine, a western-influenced style of Chinese food, so that you can further understand the open, innovative and diversified Haipai diet culture.

上海是一座海纳百川,包容万象的城市。作为海派文化的组成部分,上海菜既包括了传承老上海本地特色的本帮菜,也包括了融合其他菜系特点而发展起来的海派菜。 本课程我们将介绍上海菜的起源与特点,带大家领略经典的本帮菜式,了解上海的老字号餐厅,同时介绍中西合璧的海派西餐,使大家进一步了解开放、创新、多元的海派饮食文化。

General Courses 通用课程