武汉人的“衣”时尚 - 湖北大学 - 当代中国之见证武汉“疫”后重生——武汉城市变迁及文化探寻 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

Meet Wuhan— Exploring the City‘s Development and Culture


Wuhan Wearing Fashion


Course Syllabus 课程章节


Wuhan is originally fashionable. Fashion Jiangcheng – Wuhan has so many highlights. It has Wuhan fashion week, cultural fashion and Wuhan-style costumes here. The " Wuhan-style women's clothing " has been one of the most famous local fashion industries. Wuhan also has a good market environment, such as Optics Valley business district, Wuhan Tiandi. It plays an indispensable role in the development of the fashion industry, and more importantly, it has a lot of fashion designers. Many local fashion designers and they combine many international fashion elements and the local culture of Wuhan. There have been famous overseas. It is because of so many talents, our fashion trend of Wuhan can be spread to overseas. Just like the theme of Wuhan Fashion Culture New Year, " Embroidery China Fashion Wuhan ".

武汉原本就是时尚之都,时尚江城——武汉有不少亮点:有武汉时装周,有文化时尚,有汉派服饰,而武汉本土时尚产业,就是曾经名声大噪的“汉派女装”。 武汉具备时尚的商业环境,很多时尚潮流的商圈,比如说光谷商圈,武汉天地等。武汉也有很多本土的时尚设计大师,他们扎根武汉,把很多国际时尚元素和武汉本土文化相结合,他们的作品远扬海外。 就是因为有了这么多有才华,热爱时尚的大师们,武汉的时尚潮流才可以融贯中西,声名远扬。就像武汉时尚文化新年发布的主题一样“绣梦中国 时尚武汉”。

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