中国汉字的起源与流变 - 西南大学 - 西南大学-雅罗斯拉夫尔国立师范大学中国历史文化冬令营 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

Southwest University-Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University Winter Camp on Chinese History and Culture


The Origin and Development of Chinese Character


Course Syllabus 课程章节


This course will teach the origin and evolution of Chinese characters from four parts. 1. The definition of character. This part introduces the definition of characters from the world's ancient characters, and explains the close relationship between pictures, symbols and characters. 2. The origin of Chinese characters. From the nine representative theories on the origin of Chinese characters, this part explains four theories in detail: Knot Rope Theory, theory of Cangjie Creating Characters, theory of Oracle Bone inscriptions and theory of Tao Wen. In addition, this part briefly comments the theory of Confucius Creating Characters. 3.Character formation Rules. This part mainly introduces Eastern Han Dynasty scholar Xu Shen’s theory of Six Categories of Chinese Characters, as well as the criticism it received by scholars of the later generations. 4. The evolution of Chinese characters. This part explains in detail the evolution history of Chinese characters and the characteristics of Chinese characters from two periods: ancient writing period from Shang Dynasty to Qin Dynasty, and clerical and regular script since the Han Dynasty. Welcome to the world of Chinese character, and welcome to the world of Chinese culture.

《中国汉字的起源与演变》 本课程以图文并茂的形式,讲授中国汉字的起源与演变问题。课程分为4部分内容: 1. 文字的定义,讲解图画、符号与文字之间的紧密联系。 2. 汉字的起源。此部分从9种关于汉字起源的代表性观点中,选择“结绳说”、“仓颉造字说”、“甲骨文说”、“陶文说”这4种观点进行详细讲解,并对“孔子造字说”等观点进行了简要介绍和评论。 3. 造字法则。此部分主要讲授了东汉学者许慎关于汉字造字法则“六书说”的相关内容,并介绍了后人对“六书说”的批判。 4. 汉字的演变。此部分先将汉字演变的历史分为商代至秦代的“古文字阶段”,和汉代以后的“隶书、楷书”阶段,然后结合文字实物图片,详细讲授了汉字演变的历史,以及不同时期汉字的特点。 欢迎大家学习中国汉字,欢迎大家来中国了解中国文化。

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