



The 18th "Chinese Bridge" Chinese Proficiency Competition for College Students in Israel

活动名称Event name


英文名称:The 18th Chinese Bridge-Chinese Proficiency Competition for College Students in Israel

1. 主办单位 Host

中国驻以色列大使馆 Embassy of P.R. China in the State of Israel

2. 承办单位 Organizer

希伯来大学孔子学院  Confucius Institute at Hebrew University of Jerusalem

3. 比赛主题 Theme


Theme: One World, One family

4. 活动目的Purpose 


In order to arouse the Israeli students’ enthusiasm for learning Chinese,deepen the understanding of Chinese language and Chinese culture, and enhance the international promotion of Chinese language in Israel, the Chinese embassy in Israel arranges this Chinese Bridge Competition. This competition will provide a platform for the Israeli students of Chinese to display their achievements of Chinese study and artistic talents. The winner of the competition will represent Israel in the final competition of "Chinese Bridge" which will be held in China in July.

5. 参赛对象Contestants


Israeli university students, aged 18 to 30 years old, who are not of Chinese nationality, were born and raised in outside of China, and their mother tongue is not Chinese. Students who have lived in China for 1 year or more must inform the organizers at the time of registration. 


Please note: Those who had been awarded and traveled to China in previous competitions cannot participate in this year’s competition.

6. 比赛时间 Competition Time


Thursday, May 30, 2019, at 14:00 

7. 比赛地点 Competition place

希伯来大学Mt. Scopus Campus, Senate Hall

Senate Hall, Mt. Scopus Campus, Hebrew University of Jerusalem

8. 比赛程序 Competition Process


Each institute may choose 2 students to attend the Israeli finals, which will be held at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. If needed, each institute will hold a preliminary selective round in order to choose its contestants for the final competition. 

(1)汉语演讲: 时长3-4分钟,主题为:“天下一家”,要求脱稿演讲。本环节满分70分。

A speech in Chinese: 3-4 minutes, on the theme "One World, One Family". Contestants are required to deliver their speech without using notes.  (70 points)

(2)汉语能力和中华文化知识测试:每位选手连续回答两个问题,内容涉及汉语知识、中华文化常识和中国国情知识等。 所有的问题会显示在ppt上,而不由主持人提问。每个问题选手应在一分钟内默读并口头作答,选手一分钟内还没答完,便被视为放弃本题。

选手成绩按正确回答问题的分值累计计算。2题, 每题5分, 本环节满分10分. 

Q&A about Chinese language and Chinese culture: 

Following his or her speech, each contestant will be presented with two questions written in Chinese. The content involves the knowledge of Chinese language, Chinese culture etc. The questions will not be read by the host, only presented on the screen.

For each question,the contestant will have one minute to read the question silently and complete their answer orally. If a contestant cannot complete their answer within one minute, they will forfeit that question. Each contestant's score will be accumulated by scores of their right answers. (2 questions, each question 5 points = 10 points overall)




A. 北京  B. 上海  C. 成都  D. 昆明, 


A. 昆明  B. 成都   C. 北京  D. 上海     

Please note: 

The reference questions document and information for review has been posted to the contact person of each institute on April 10. 

The content and form of the reference questions will remain the same, however, in the multiple choice questions, the order of the answers may differ from the order presented in the questions document. For example, if the order of the answers in the questions document was: 

A. Beijing B. Shanghai C. Chengdu D. Kunming

in the competition it may be presented as:  

A. Kunming B. Chengdu C. Beijing D. Shanghai     


Talent show: for example, Chinese songs, folk music playing, dance, opera, drama, operatic arts, acrobatics, calligraphy, Chinese painting, Chinese martial arts, Chinese arts and crafts, etc. 3-4 minutes.  (20 points) 

9. 奖项及奖励办法  Prizes and Awarding Methods

(1)以色列赛区奖励办法 : Awarding Methods of Competition in Israel 


The winners will receive trophy and certificates. The 1st place winner of the competition will go to China and participate in the finals of "Chinese Bridge" Chinese Proficiency Competition for Foreign College Students. The 2nd place winner will visit China as an observer in the "Chinese Bridge" competition.

● 一等奖1个;二等奖1个;

1 first place prize, 1 second place prize 

● 选手优秀奖:除以上奖项外,其余选手获得优秀奖。

Prize for Excellence: Other contestants (3rd place and below) will be given prize of excellence.

10. 比赛规则与实施细则  Rules for competition

第一部分. 比赛裁判

Part I. The judges


The judges will be formed by representatives from the Chinese Embassy in Israel, representatives of Chinese media in Israel, Israeli experts on Chinese education etc.. 

2)评委组评委共计 7名。

The number of the judges will be 7.   


每一部分的评分标准是0-100分,每个分数值间隔为5分(65-70-75-80-85-90 等)

The judges, without consulting each other, will each give their score based on the performance of the contestants. 

The score for each part (speech and talent show) will be on a scale from 0-100, with intervals of 5 points (i.e. 65-70-75-80-85-90 etc.)


Once the scores are given by the judges, the score is final and cannot be changed.


The final score of each contestant will be calculated and announced after the competition. The prizes will be determined according to the contestants' final score. In case two or more contestants receive the same final score, the judges will hold a special vote to decide on the winner amongst them.

第二部分. 评分办法

Part II. The criterions of grading


Each contestant's score consists of three parts: 70% for the speech in Chinese, 10% for the Q&A, and 20% for the talent show.


In case the speech is irrelevant to the main subject, 40% of the whole grade of this part will be deducted.


The speech is graded according to the following considerations:

   a) 演讲内容 Contents of the speech

   b) 发音及声调准确 Accurate pronunciation and tones


   d)感情表达 Expression with feeling

   e) 整体艺术感染力 Overall Artistic Appeal


The Q&A part is graded according to the correctness of the answers. 

5) 中华才艺表演评分标准:

The talent show is graded according to the following considerations:

    a)才艺的驾驭程度 mastery of the art.

   b)与中国文化、语言、艺术等的相关度 connection to the Chinese culture, language, art, etc.

    c)创造性  creativity 

    d)整体艺术感染力 Overall Artistic Appeal

第三部分. 比赛规则

Part III.  Competition rules


Each contestant has 3-4 minutes to deliver their speech, 2 minutes to finish the Q&A part, and 3-4 minutes to perform their talent show.

2)比赛环节将分成两个部分, 第一部分由参赛选手进行中文演讲, 演讲结束后立即进行知识提问的部分。 



各环节时间要严格把握,不能超时。演讲及演出均不超过4分钟,一旦超过,主持人将中止演讲或演出,如果选手未按要求继续进行,将视情况给予扣分。 在演讲及演出的最后三十秒,主持人可以对选手进行提醒。 

The competition is divided into two parts. In the first part, each contestant will perform their speech, immediately followed by Q&A part.  

Each contestant will receive two separate grades - one for the speech and one for the Q&A part. 

Once this part is over, there will be a 15 minutes break, followed by the second part – the talent show. 

The contestants must keep strict timing of their speech and talent show: each performance should not exceed 4 minutes. During the speech/talent show the contestants will be notified when they have half a minute left. After 4 minutes they will be asked to stop. In case a contestant does not stop, the grading will be lowered accordingly. 

3)比赛顺序由抽签号码顺序决定。所有参赛选手要提前半小时(1点30)抵达赛场进行抽签,抽签将在比赛前进行完毕。赛场位于希伯来大学Senate Hall。如果参赛选手迟到,则由主办方替其抽取号码。 

The competition order is decided by a draw. The draw will be held before the contest at 13:30 at the competition venue:The Senate Hall, Mt. Scopus Campus, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. In case a contestant does not arrive on time, the draw will be made in their behalf by the organizers. 


It is forbidden for contestants to reveal in any way (clothes, signs, speech, photos etc.) their affiliation to any university before the prizes are announced.


Violating the rules, or not showing up for one’s turn, will cause the contestant to be disqualified. 


Each university can send 2 students to participate in the contest.

希伯来大学孔子学院联系方式Contact Details of the Confucius Institute at Hebrew University:

联系人 Contact person:  Lee Ashuri

电话 Phone:  972-2-5881766

邮箱 Email:  Confucius@mail.huji.ac.il

赛事官方网站 Official website of the competition:bridge.chinese.cn