


美国-美东地区预赛 01-650.png


01 参赛对象


02 比赛主题

本年度比赛分为大学生、中学生、小学生三组。大学生和中学生组比赛主题为“天下一家,One World, One Family”。小学生组比赛主题为“快乐中文Chinese, Joy & Fun”。

03 比赛赛制



04 比赛奖项


05 报名视频提交及比赛咨询








美国-美东地区预赛 01-650.png

The event organized by the Chinese Consulate General in New York and co-organized by the Confucius Institute at Alfred University. Students who learned Chinese in East U.S can participate.

I. Competitors Qualification

Students born and raised in the United States, aged 6 to 30, from universities/ colleges or schools of New York consular area ten states (NY NJ PA OH CT RI MA VT NH ME). Students and their parents are all non-Chinese native speakers.

II. Competition Themes

The competition includes three groups: university/college students, secondary school students and elementary school students. The theme for university/college and secondary school students is "One World, One Family". The theme for elementary school students is "Happy Chinese, Joy & Fun".

III. Competition Procedure

The competition consists of a preliminary round and a final. From now the contestants can start submitting registration form and videos, and the experts of the competition committee will select 10 winners to participate in the final. The deadline of submission is April 20th, 2023.

The details of finals will announce after preliminary.

A certificate of participation will be awarded to all participants in the competition; The finalists will select by their the speech and talent show. The winners will include: 1 first prize, 2 second prizes, 3 third prizes, and prizes such as best knowledge, best creativity, best speech, and best talent award.

IV. Videos and Requirements

Video 1: universities/colleges and secondary school competitors: “One World, One Family” keynote speech; Elementary schools competitors can give a keynote speech or a show: Chinese, Joy & Fun. Video should be about 3 minutes and clearly seen as unscripted speech/show;

The title of the video read as: Full Name+ University / School Name, State (Speech).

Video 2: Chinese Talent Show, no limitation on the specific forms, video should be within 4 minutes (some parts can be accelerated). The title of the video read as: Full Name + University / School Name, State (Talent).

V. Online Submission and Deadlin

Please submit the video via the following link:



Registration form submit and Contact Information:

Alfred University: Mingren, Huang
