Zhongshan Polytechnic



In order to give full play to the strengths of the elevator engineering technology major of ZhongShan Polytechnic, the Program is set up as a platform for people-to-people exchanges between the institute and all the colleges from countries of the Belt and Road Initiative. The Program combines Chinese language learning with vocational skills practice, in an attempt to equip participants with professional competencies and basic knowledge of the Chinese language and culture. Participants will take courses on Chinese language learning and elevators and will be able to understand technical terms in the elevator industry, allowing them to be better prepared for their careers. The courses, which will be taught in Chinese, will present comprehensive content including elevator types, main technical parameters, structure composition, safety functions, and safety instructions for using escalators, through models applied in famous urban landscapes in the Greater Bay Area.

为充分发挥中山职业技术学院电梯工程技术专业办学优势和办学实力,促进中外民心相通,加强我校与“一带一路”沿线国家院校、学生的交流,特设立" 电梯安全与维护,让城市生活更美好" 项目。


Experiences 学习心得

General Courses 通用课程