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Sichuan Vocational and Technical College of Communications


Sichuan Vocational and Technical College of Communications


四川交通职业技术学院是公办全日制普通高等学校,隶属于四川省交通运输厅,始建于1952 年。学院是国家示范性高等职业院校、国家“双高计划”建设单位、国家优质高等职业院校、全国文明单位、全国职业教育先进单位、全国首批现代学徒制试点单位、全国职业院校就业竞争力示范校、四川省职教本科试点院校、四川省文明校园、荣获全国职业院校教学资源50强、服务贡献50强、育人成效50强。

学院占地1033亩,全日制在校生 15000余人。设有道路与桥梁工程系、汽车工程系、交通运输与经济管理系、轨道交通工程系、航运工程系、信息工程系、建筑工程系、机电工程系、艺术与设计系、 公共课教学部和马克思主义学院、国际学院12个教学单位。学院开设本科专业2个,专科专业近40个,其中中央财政重点建设专业6个、国家级交通运输示范点专业2个、省财政重点专业10个,有首 批国家级职业教育教师教学创新团队1个、省级教学创新团队1个, 省级教学团队4个、省级“双师型”名师工作室2个、省级技能大师工作室3个、省级技艺技能传承创新平台1个、校级大师工作室7个、 校级名师工作室1个。建有省级以上实训基地8个,校内实训面积近17万平方米,校外实训基地超过200个。

 学院积极探索国际交流合作渠道,在留学生教育、联合办学、师 资交流、课程引进等方面卓有成效地开展了工作。与美国阿肯色大学史密斯分校合作办学,与台湾朝阳科技大学和台北城市科技大学互换交换生,与德国 F+U、澳大利亚西悉尼学院、马来西亚国立大学等教 育机构签署合作备忘录。2017年学院招收第一批留学生,有来自老挝、柬埔寨、马来西亚、孟加拉国、塔吉克斯坦、蒙古等多国留学生, 留学生人数300余人。 

多年来,学院坚持“开放办学、主动服务、水陆并举、着力内涵” 的办学理念和“立足四川交通、面向区域经济、服务国家战略、培养 高素质技术技能人才”的办学定位,以“敬德修业、拓道致通”为校 训,传承和弘扬“勤俭持校、严谨治学、负重自强、求实奋进、勇创 一流”的“三马”精神,形成了“引名企进校园、融专业入社会、育高素质人才”的办学特色。目前,正抢抓机遇、开拓创新,朝着奋力把学院建成“行业领先、全国一流、国际知名”的中国特色高水平高 职院校目标迈进。

SVTCC, a public college which covers both land transportation and marine navigation, is situated in Wenjiang District, Chengdu City in the west part of China, with a history dating back to 1952. In 2007, it became one of the 70 construction units of the National Demonstration College of Higher Vocational Education, hence entered the list of 100 top vocational colleges in China. The academic part of SVTCC is organized into 8 departments, namely, Department of Road and Bridge Engineering, Department of Automotive Engineering, Department of Economic Management, Department of Computing Engineering, Department of Automation Engineering, Department of Architectural Engineering, Department of Fine Arts and Humanities, and Department of Marine Engineering, offering 43 programs. Currently, there are 11,800 students at the college and 600 faculty staff,

including 120 doctors and postgraduates, 116 professors and associate professors, 1 renowned instructor at provincial level, 4 leading experts of the Ministry of Communications, 186 teachers qualified as lecturer and engineer, 1 teaching team at provincial level. SVTCC covers an area of 1033 mu, with a building area of 320,000 square meters, well-equipped with standard sports-grounds, a swimming pool, an information center, a library holding more than 1,200,000 volumes of books, more than 80 training centers and laboratories of various types, more than 70 multi-media electronic reading-rooms and class-rooms, an ADSL campus-net with easy access to Internet, etc. the fixed assets are valued at over RMB0.6 billion Yuan. Ideas of Running School: Communications Sector Based, Market-Oriented, Serving the Society; Talents Cultivating System: Trade Dominated, Associations Connected, Enterprises Cooperated; Features of Running School: Cooperating with Renowned Institutes and Companies Home and Abroad; Taking Initiative to Provide Service for the Communications Sector and the Regional Economy. Over the past 70 years, SVTCC has turned out more than 40,000 graduates for the society to meet the need of the socio-economic development, and a large number of them have become the administrators, technical cadres and skilled craftsmen in the communications sector. According to statistics, over 70% of the principals in the communications sector of the counties and municipalities in Sichuan graduated from SVTCC, and the technical cadres graduated from SVTCC can found on staff nearly in all the companies of car maintenance and road construction scattered across Chengdu and Sichuan Province.