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Jiangxi University of Science and Technology


Jiangxi University of Science and Technology



学校在赣州、南昌两地办学,占地面积共计2600余亩。校本部位于享有“世界钨都”“稀土王国”“客家摇篮”“红色故都”之美誉的国家历史文化名城——江西省赣州市。学校1958年开办本科教育,1980年开始硕士研究生教育,2013年开始博士研究生教育。现有1个材料冶金化学学部,4个学术职能学部,18个教学学院,18个科研院所。全日制在校本科生2.4万余人,在校研究生4000余人。2011年荣膺全国毕业生就业典型经验高校“五十强”,2017年荣膺全国创新创业典型经验高校“五十强”。据中国“世界500强”企业CEO毕业院校排名榜显示,我校在2012年中国“世界500强”企业CEO毕业院校并列第5位。据中国校友会网发布的《中国大学排行榜》显示,我校在2014 年“中国高校杰出校友排行榜”中名列第94 位,在2022年校友会网中国大学排行榜中名列145位。

学校拥有1个全国示范院士工作站、2个博士后科研流动站、1个博士后科研工作站、2个一级学科博士点(矿业工程、冶金工程),22个一级学科硕士点, 13个专业硕士学位点,5个交叉二级学科点,4个自主设置目录外二级学科,73个本科专业,其中“冶金工程”“矿业工程”“材料科学与工程”3个江西省一流建设学科。2019软科一流学科排名冶金工程、矿业工程分别位居全国第7和第9,其中矿业工程进入全球前100,“材料科学”“工程科学”“化学”三个学科进入ESI全球排名前1%。

学校坚持开放办学,积极拓展国际交流与合作。学校与英国、加拿大、德国、日本、澳大利亚、俄罗斯、泰国、韩国等高校实施学分互认、本硕生互换、合作办学等国际联合培养项目。学校为海外留学生接收院校,共招收来自23个国家和地区的学生进行语言、本科、硕士和博士层次的学习。学校获批为国务院侨办华文教育基地,共计举办 夏(冬)令营项目和海外教学项目20个,教授3000余名海外学生。2015 年获国家汉办批准与巴基斯坦旁遮普大学共建孔子学院。旁遮普大学孔子学院已建设校内外教学点11个,注册学员2716人次,汉语考试HSK考生5393人次,组织文化推广活动81场次,累计受众达40200人次。2017年获批与旁遮普大学合作举办“2+2”电气工程及其自动化专业本科教育,为全省首个境外中外合作办学项目,培养的学生将成为“一带一路”和“中巴经济走廊”建设的中坚力量。2018年获教育部批准与加拿大劳伦森大学合作举办中外合作办学“采矿工程”专业本科4+0项目。学校与澳大利亚莫纳什大学合作建立了“江西理工大学中澳REEM国际研究院”,与澳大利亚昆士兰大学合作建立了“江西理工大学-昆士兰大学高温过程联合实验室”,2019年获教育部批准与俄罗斯阿穆尔共青城国立大学合作举办中外合作办学“电子科学与技术”专业本科4+0项目。学校还与澳大利亚昆士兰大学就稀土技术、澳洲高效磨矿和高效细粒浮选技术等技术开展科研合作,承担了“用DENKA BLACK Li 导电剂提升电动汽车用动力电池性能的合作研究”(日本)、谦比西铜矿“矿山采掘信息化”(赞比亚)、“含砷硫难处理金矿金提取工艺研究”(缅甸)等国际科技合作项目10余项。


Jiangxi University of Science and Technology (JXUST) features distinctive disciplines and a balanced curriculum of science, engineering, materials, computer, economics, management, arts and law. Being a research-intensive public university with high teaching quality, JXUST is dedicated to providing students with advanced knowledge and skills in an academic environment full of intellectual stimulation and scientific innovation. Recognized as the primary personnel training and scientific research base for the non-ferrous metals and steel industry in China, the university is currently jointly-sponsored by the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, and Jiangxi Provincial Government. It is also one of the five top-ranking universities in Jiangxi Province.

Founded in 1958, JXUST has 5 campuses in Ganzhou city and Nanchang city that cover a total area of more than 650 acres. The main campus is located in Ganzhou – a historically rich and culturally vibrant city that is recognized as the World Capital of Tungsten, the Kingdom of Rare Earth, the Cradle of Hakka Culture, and the Birthplace of the Red Revolution in China.

JXUST now offers a wide range of courses, including 73 undergraduate programs, 98 master programs and 2 doctoral programs with 3 National Characteristic Specialties and 6 National Excellence Initiative Majors. It is also the training unit of MBA, JM, ME (including 13 ME categories), MPAcc, and MTI degrees. JXUST also enrolls students from outside of Chinese Mainland. With this array of programs, more than 30,000 students are enrolled in the university’s 16 schools and 18 scientific research institutes. The graduates of JXUST have long been popular in the competitive job market – known for their skill at adapting to work situations, team spirit, and diligence. The student employment rate of JXUST is listed in the top 50 among the 2,000 higher education institutions in China.

Throughout its history, JXUST has actively adapted to the trend of international education development. With the spirit of "embracing all the streams of culture in the pursuit of excellence", JXUST is encouraging an open education by actively strengthening communication and cooperation with universities across the world. Today, JXUST has established long-term and wide-ranging academic exchange programs with universities, enterprise groups, and scientific research institutions from more than 20 countries, including America and The United Kingdom. JXUST is a qualified host university for international students, attracting students from all over the world to pursue degree or non-degree education. As part of this, the university has long been committed to promoting Chinese language and culture in the international community. Approved by the Confucius Institute Headquarters (Hanban), JXUST has established a Confucius Institute at University of the Panjab, Pakistan; having been approved by the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the State Council in 2011, the Chinese Education Base (CEB) of JXUST is the only one of its kind hosted by a science and technology university. Furthermore, delegations and scholars of JXUST have been sent overseas for language courses and teacher training, and the university conducts international exchanges with such universities and enterprises focused on international science and technology projects.n open education by actively strengthening communication and cooperation with universities across the world. Today, JXUST has established long-term and wide-ranging academic exchange programs with universities, enterprise groups, and scientific research institutions from more than 20 countries, including America and The United Kingdom. JXUST is a qualified host university for international students, attracting students from all over the world to pursue degree or non-degree education. As part of this, the university has long been committed to promoting Chinese language and culture in the international community. Approved by the Confucius Institute (China International ), JXUST has established a Confucius Institute at University of the Panjab, Pakistan; having been approved by the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the State Council in 2011, the Chinese Education Base (CEB) of JXUST is the only one of its kind hosted by a science and technology university. Furthermore, delegations and scholars of JXUST have been sent overseas for language courses and teacher training, and the university conducts international exchanges with such universities and enterprises focused on international science and technology projects.