Lanzhou Resources&Environment Voc-Tech University



Lanzhou Resources and Environment Vocational and Technical University take part in the Step on the "Chinese Bridge" and start a journey of traditional Chinese beauty ornaments experience” project. Relying on the advantages of our university's specialty of gem and jade identification and processing, the project adopts the combination of three teaching modes of "live teaching + online activities + recorded courses", so that students can have a comprehensive and systematic understanding of Chinese traditional jewelry culture and jewelry processing skills while learning the language. The online teaching follows the teaching mode of "basic Chinese + professional knowledge", focusing on the knowledge of traditional Chinese jewelry culture, jade culture, seal stone culture and traditional jewelry processing technology. In the online activities, foreign friends can experience the production of "Chinese knot art" and exchange the treasure, jade and stone culture of different countries. Through recording and broadcast video courses, they can learn about the production process of pinched silk jewelry, chisel jewelry, luminous cup, Tao inkstone carving and other contents, providing opportunities for overseas students to interact and experience Chinese culture in depth.

兰州资源环境职业技术大学 “踏上“汉语桥”开启中国传统美饰体验之旅”项目依托我校宝玉石鉴定与加工专业优势,采用“直播授课+线上活动+录播课程”三种教学模式的有机结合,让学员们在学习语言的同时,全面系统地了解中国传统珠宝首饰文化、珠宝加工技艺,其中线上教学遵循“基础汉语+专业知识”的授课模式,聚焦中国传统首饰文化、玉石文化、印石文化及传统珠宝加工工艺等知识;线上活动体验“中国结艺”制作、交流不同国家的宝玉石文化;录播视频课程了解掐花丝首饰制作工艺、錾刻首饰制作工艺、夜光杯制作、洮砚雕刻工艺等内容,为海外学员提供互动参与、深度体验中国文化的机会。

Experiences 学习心得

General Courses 通用课程