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Xi’an Aeronautical Polytechnic Institute


Xi’an Aeronautical Polytechnic Institute











近年来,学校积极承办“全国职业院校技能大赛”“中英‘一带一路’国际青年创新创业技能大赛”“陕西省‘挑战杯-彩虹人生’大赛”等全国、全省各级各类技能大赛,学生在技术技能水平、岗位创新能力、创业成功率等方面稳步提升,竞赛成绩突出。学生在全国职业技能大赛获奖50余项,其中一等奖5项;获得省级职业技能大赛奖项200余项,其中一等奖49项;近五年双创竞赛获省级以上奖励100余项。在第十二届“挑战杯”中国大学生创业计划竞赛中获得1项金奖,实现该竞赛陕西高职金奖零的突破。“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛中获国赛银奖2项、铜奖2项;陕西省“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛获金、银、铜 奖共53项,连续两年获得职教赛道冠军;“挑战杯-彩虹人生”创新创业大赛获国家奖项14项。






文 化 理 念

校训:尚德躬行 笃学擅用

校风:明德敬业 严谨求是

教风:崇德仁爱 守正致远

学风:勤学精进 明辨笃行



教学观:因材施教 有教无类 启智育人 能力本位

学生观:尊重学生 理解学生 培育学生 服务学生


Xi'an Aeronautical Polytechnic Institute(“XAPI”) is a full-time public higher vocational college approved by the Ministry of Education of China, funded by the Government of Shaanxi Province,and qualified to recruit students from all over China for higher vocational education.

XAPI is a national demonstration higher vocational college, a national high-quality higher vocational college, and one of the 56 candidates of "high-level higher vocational colleges with Chinese characteristics" project which is under the auspices of the Ministry of Education and Ministry of Finance.

XAPI is located in Yanliang District, Xi ' an, a famous aviation city in China, and is located in the China aviation industry base. Over the past 60 years since the establishment of the college, XAPI has trained a large number of high-quality workers and technical personnel for China’s aviation industry.

XAPI has been named one of the 100 National Demonstration higher vocational colleges by the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Finance in 2010; named “National high quality vocational colleges” by the Ministry of Education in 2018; has also been approved by the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Finance as a construction candidate of the "High-level Vocational Colleges and Majors Construction Plan with Chinese Characteristics".

The campus covers an area of more than 1,000 mu(almost 167 acres) and has more than 12,000 students. There are 9 secondary schools, including School of Aviation Maintenance Engineering, School of General Aviation, School of Aviation Manufacturing Engineering, School of Aviation Management Engineering, School of Aviation Materials Engineering, School of Artificial Intelligence, School of Automation Engineering, School of Automotive Engineering. It has also established six teaching units, including the School of General Education, School of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, School of Marxism, School of International Education, School of Continuing Education, and School of Physical Education and Health Management, 1 Aviation Manufacturing Engineering Center, and 2 research institutes: Modern Vocational Education Research Institute, "3-Complete Education" Research Institute.

XAPI offers more than 50 majors with distinctive aviation features, such as general aviation, aviation maintenance, manufacturing, materials, management, artificial intelligence, automation, automobile, and etc. These majors cover aviation equipment maintenance, mechanical equipment manufacturing, general aviation technology, artificial intelligence technology, aviation management services, transportation, marketing and other professional categories.

XAPI has a modern aviation engineering technology center of more than 26,000 square meters, with a total of 154 experimental and training rooms for aviation and machinery, 21 on-campus training bases, and 297 off-campus training bases relying on the aviation industry.

XAPI has a well-equipped plastic track field and a student gymnasium. The total value of teaching and scientific research instruments and equipment is 180 million yuan, value of teaching equipment per student reaches 15,000 yuan.

XAPI has a reasonable structure and distinctive characteristics teaching team, with 810 full-time and part-time teachers. Relying on the geographical advantages of Yanliang's aviation industry, XAPI vigorously invite leading talents, well-known entrepreneurs, senior executives and chief technicians and other highly skilled talents to work part-time in the college, with more than 200 professors and engineering and technical personnel serving as visiting professors and part-time teachers.

XAPI serves the national "One Belt And One Road" initiative and broadens the teachers’ international vision. In the past two years, XAPI has sent 110 teachers to Germany, Singapore, Taiwan and other countries and regions to participate in the study and training. XAPI has received 126 exchange students from Singapore Polytechnic for aviation maintenance internship, and sent a number of students to participate in the activity of "College Students Summer paid internship in the United States". XAPI actively connected with the Ministry of Education "High-end Skilled and Applied Talents Joint Training Project" platform, and undertook Xi'an Station activities of "China-US Future Career Star Joint Study Camp" for many times. We received universities, enterprises, institutions and other visiting groups from Thailand, New Zealand, South Korea, the Philippines, Africa, the United States and other countries, with a total of 21 groups of 219 people.

XAPI adhere to serve the development as the purpose, oriented to promote employment. XAPI holds graduate employment talks regularly. At present, XAPI has formed a stable employment base composed of more than 500 enterprises such as air force aviation maintenance enterprises, Aviation Industry Corporation of China,ltd(AVIC), Aero Engine Corporation of China(AECC), civil aviation enterprises, aerospace enterprises, equipment manufacturing industry, etc.

In the past five years, the graduate employment rate is stable above 97%, every year about 60% of the graduates employed by large and medium-sized state-owned enterprises, nearly 40% of the graduates employed by AVIC, air-force aviation equipment maintenance, civil aviation transportation, aerospace science and technology industries. XAPI has established a long-term stable cooperation relations with China Southern Airlines, Xiamen Airlines, AVIC Xi'an Aircraft Industry Group Company ltd. and other industry leaders.

Cultural Conceptions:

Motto: Morality, Practice, Studiousness, Application

Institute Spirit: Morality and Dedication, Rigorousness and Truth-seeking

Principal: Student-centered, Employment-oriented, Seeking Survival from Quality, Seeking Development from Features

School-running Thought: Cooperating with CAIB and Enhancing Strengths, Innovating Models and Promoting Services

XAPI Spirit: Hard Work, Unity and Dedication, Cultivation and Education, Aviation Serving the Country, Pursuit of Excellence