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Shandong Institute of Commerce and Technology


Shandong Institute of Commerce and Technology Introduction


山东商业职业技术学院是1999年经教育部批准设立的省属高职院校,办学历史可追溯到1936年。经过80多年的积淀,学校以“立德树人 兴商润民”为使命,以“创高职名校,施优教于民”为目标愿景,秉承 “尚德蕴能,日精日新”的校训,坚持为社会用人需求服务,为学生就业成才服务,软商硬做、冷链暖心,获得一系列国家级和省级荣誉,教学质量、办学特色得到社会各界的广泛肯定。







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Shandong Institute of Commerce and Technology (SICT) is a public vocational college established with approval by the Ministry of Education in 1999. It has a history dating back to 1936. After more than 80 years of accumulation, our mission is to train students with business ethics and knowledge, our vision is to establish a top-level higher vocational school and to provide good quality vocational education services for the public. SICT stays committed to meeting the social employment demand and serving the students for their employment, develops business and cold chain education based on technology updating, the teaching quality and characteristics of SICT are widely recognized and appreciated by people. SICT is a leading high vocational school in China and has achieved a great number of awards granted by central and provincial government.

With the support of Lushang Group, the school has also established the National Agricultural Products Modern Logistics Engineering Technology Research Center. The school has the Shandong Provincial Agricultural Product Storage and Transportation Technology Laboratory, Shandong Provincial Cloud Business Big Data Engineering Center, Northern China Modern Logistics Institute, Jinan Meat Quality and Safety Control Engineering Technology Research Center, Jinan Agricultural Product Quality and Safety Monitoring and Information Engineering Technology Research Center and other provincial and municipal scientific research institutions.

 SICT occupies more than 173 hectares with more than 420,000 square meters of building area. The total assets value amounts to more than RMB1 billion, the school library possesses over 1.3 million books, SICT is equipped with a certain number of world-leading experimental training instruments and devices, and the total value of teaching equipment is more than RMB180 million. SICT enrolls students from all over China and has more than 15,000 full-time students.

SICT consists of twelve faculties such as Digital Marketing Industry School, Cloud Computing and Application Industry School, Cold Chain Logistics and Supply Chain Industry School, Modern Finance Industry School, Food Industry School, Health and Elderly Caring Industry School, Cultural and Innovation Industry School, Rural Revitalization Industry School, Intelligent Finance Industry School, Business Administration Department, Information Technology Department, Applied Electronics Department, as well as Marxism School, and Foundation Courses Department (Language Affairs Office). It also has the business-sponsored colleges like the School of Freda Bio-engineering, the School of MOON Group Engineering, Huawei ICT Academy and so on. SICT now has forty-seven programs such as accounting, marketing, cloud computing and application, refrigeration and air conditioning technology, food nutrition and testing and tourism management, etc.

SICT pays attention to international exchanges and cooperation. It has set up nine programs or braches in Australia, France, Thailand and other countries, operated the "China-Australia Cross-border E-commerce College" to output high-quality vocational education resources from Shandong to developed countries for the first time. And it has held seven collaborating programs such as financial management and accounting, with overseas universities in the UK, Australia, other countries and Taiwan (China). It also has organized teacher exchange visits and training activities with colleges and universities in more than a dozen countries (regions), such as the United States and South Korea. International students from Russia, Mongolia and other countries, as well as Pakistan, Bangladesh and other Belt and Road countries have been recruited to study in SICT.