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The Tourism College of Changchun University


The Tourism College of Changchun University



长春大学旅游学院坐落在素有“北国春城”美誉的吉林省长春市,现有奢岭、净月两个校区,是一所以文为主的多科性民办高等学校。学校创建于2000年,2004年经中国教育部确认为独立学院。现有全日制在校生 9375 余人。学校系中国民办教育协会理事单位、中国民办教育协会高等教育专业委员会常务理事单位,中国旅游协会教育分会理事单位,中国会展经济研究会理事单位,中国教育国际交流协会会员单位,吉林省会展协会副会长单位,吉林省民政厅评定的 5A 级民办非企业单位。多年来,学校不断践行“立德树人,求是创新”的校训精神,坚持崇德立校、依法治校、队伍强校、质量兴校、勤勉奉校的治校方略,以人才培养为中心,以培养质量为根本,以本科教育为主体,以内涵建设为支撑,全面提高学校办学水平,努力建设国内一流应用型民办高等学校,着力为国家和区域经济建设发展提供人才和智力支撑。

学校设有10个教学单位,涵盖管理学、经济学、文学、艺术学、工学等五大学科门类。现有教职工643人, 其中专任教师423人,专任教师中副教授以上职称教师166人,具有硕士、博士学位教师267人。

经过多年的办学实践 , 长旅人谱写了一个又一个精彩的华章, 积淀了独特的人文底蕴, 培育了至善至美的大学精神,各项事业蒸蒸日上、蓬勃发展, 学校进入了快速发展的新时代。


The Tourism College of Changchun University (TCCU) is located in the city of Changchun, Jilin Province, which is known as “Spring City in Northeast China”. The TCCU is now a private multi-disciplinary institution of higher learning with two campuses respectively in Sheling and Jingyue.  The TCCU was founded in 2000 and designed as an independent undergraduate college by the Ministry of Education of China in 2004. Currently, the college has more than 9,375 full-time students. The college is a standing director unit of the Specialized Committee for Higher Learning affiliated to the China Association for Non-Government Education, a director unit of the Education Branch of China Tourism Association, a director unit of China Convention, Exhibition and Event Society, a member unit of China Education Association for International Exchange, a vice-president unit of the Convention and Exhibition Association of Jilin Province, and a 5A people-run non-enterprise unit rated by the Department of Civil Affairs of Jilin Province. Over the years, the college has continuously implemented the spirit of its motto, namely “Foster Morality and Cultivate Talents; Seek Truth and Be Creative” and adhered to the school-running strategy of “running by morality, governing by law, strengthening by team, developing by quality, serving by diligence”. The college has worked to comprehensively improve the school-running level, strived to build a domestic first-class application-oriented private institution of higher learning and focused on providing talent and scientific and technological support for national and regional economic development with talent training as the center, quality cultivation as the foundation, undergraduate education as the subject and connotation building as the support.

The college has 10 teaching specialties, covering 5 major disciplines including management, economics, literature, art and engineering. The college now has 643 faculties, including 423 full-time teachers. Among these full-time teachers, 166 have titles of or above associate professor and 267 have master's or doctoral degrees. 

After many years of school-running practice, the TCCU has written countless glorious chapters, accumulated unique cultural richness and greatness and fostered the college spirit of perfection. The TCCU is thriving and flourishing in various undertakings and has entered a new era of rapid development. 
