Jiangsu University



Appreciating the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Zhenjiang and Presenting Compelling China Stories ——2022 “Chinese Bridge” Online Delegation Exchange Program

领略镇江非遗 讲好中国故事—2022年线上汉语桥项目

Jiangsu University is located in Zhenjiang, one of China's well-known historical and cultural cities, which is renowned for its rich intangible cultural heritage resources and profound cultural history. The Internet + Jiangnan Culture Dissemination and Inheritance Center, the only special column of "Pearl S. Buck Research" in the world on the Journal of Jiangsu University, Overseas Chinese Cultural Exchange Base of Jiangsu Province and so on, and all provide strong and efficient assurances for the program's cultural dissemination. Based on the theme of “Appreciating the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Zhenjiang and Presenting Compelling China Stories”, the Program is vested in the concept of “Chinese + Culture” and courses will be conducted via recorded culture courses, live culture lectures, cloud-based practice sessions and online Chinese contest , etc,and has rich content. Target people: People from Tanzania, Zambia, Ethiopia, Nigeria, Ghana, and other nations and areas who are interested in Chinese culture. The program is free.

江苏大学坐落在历史文化名城镇江,镇江文化底蕴深厚,非物质文化遗产 资源丰富。学校设有互联网+江南文化传播与传承实验中心、《江苏大学学报》拥有全世界唯一的“赛珍珠研究”特色专栏、拥有江苏省华侨文化交流基地等,可为项目开展提供坚实有力的文化传播保障。

本项目以“领略镇江非遗,讲好中国故事”为主题,贯彻“中文+文化”教 学理念, 采用文化录播课程、文化直播讲座、云端实践环节、中文在线竞赛等形式授课,内容丰富。

主要面向: 赞比亚、埃塞俄比亚、尼日利亚、加纳、坦桑尼亚及其他国家和地区的对中国文化感兴趣的人群。项目课程免费。

General Courses 通用课程