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Pingdingshan University


Pingdingshan University



平顶山学院是一所经教育部批准,由河南省人民政府主办的综合性全日制普通本科院校,其前身是创建于1959年的平顶山师范学校,2004年经教育部批准升格为本科院校。学校是硕士学位授予立项建设单位、河南省转型发展试点高校、省示范性应用技术类型本科院校。学校现有湖滨和崇文两个校区,占地面积2300余亩。全日制在校生近 21000 人,教职工1600 余人。设有18个教学单位、54 个本科专业,涵盖工、管、文、理、医、教、 经、艺、法等九个学科门类。有国家级、省级本科教学质量工程项目 100 余个,省级以上学科平台20余个。

围绕“特色鲜明,优势突出,服务区域经济社会发展能力强的高水平应用型大学”建设目标,学校立足地方服务行业,聚焦 区域产业需求打造特色优势学科专业,重点建设了尼龙及化工新 材料、智能电力装备、文创与传播等学科专业群。学校挖掘、传承、传播区域传统文化,打造了雅乐文化、龙狮文化、中原古陶瓷文化三大特色品牌项目。学校坚持开放办学,积极推进国际交流与合作。落实国家 “一带一路教育行动计划”,学校与西班牙、韩国等30多个国家建立了合作关系,开办中外合作办学本科教育项目2个,非学历机构“西班牙语中心”1个。学校先后派出 200 多名师生作为汉语教师和志愿者到美国、捷克、巴基斯坦、泰国、委内瑞拉、津巴布韦等 20 余个国家开展汉语推广工作。



As a comprehensive full-time general undergraduate college approved by the Ministry of Education and sponsored by the People’s Government of Henan Province, Pingdignshan University is originated from Pingdingshan Normal School founded in 1959 and upgraded to an undergraduate university in 2004. Being authorized university with project approval on conferring the Master’s degree, pilot university for transformation development in Henan Province and the model undergraduate university for applied technology type in Henan Province, Pingdingshan University consists of two campuses, Hubin and Chongwen, covering an area of nearly 380 acres and containing approximately 21,000 full-time students and over 1,500 teaching and administrative staff. It owns 18 colleges and 54 undergraduate majors, involving nine disciplines including engineering, management, liberal arts, sciences, medicine, teaching, economics, art, and law etc. In addition, there are over 100 national and provincial-level undergraduate teaching quality programs and over 20 provincial and above level discipline platforms.  

Focusing on development target of high-level applied-oriented university with distinctive features, prominent advantages and strong capacity on serving regional economic and social development, Pingdingshan University has kept a foothold in local service industry and built majors with distinctive advantages on the basis of regional industrial demands with emphasis on major groups such as Nylon and new chemical materials, intelligent power equipment, and cultural and creative industry and communication. Excavating, inheriting and spreading regional traditional culture, Pingdingshan University has created three featured brands including Ya yue culture(an elegant music in ancient China), dragon and lion dance culture, and traditional ceramic culture in central plains.Adhering to open education, Pingdingshan University promotes overseas exchanges and cooperation actively. To implement Education Action Plan on China-proposed Belt and Road Initiative, it has built cooperation relationship with universities and colleges from over 30 countries such as Spain and South Korea, and carried out 2 Sino-foreign cooperative education projects in undergraduate level, and Spanish Language Center, the non-degree institution. It has also assigned over 200 teachers and students as Chinese language teachers and volunteers to launch Chinese promotion in more than 20 countries including America, Czech Republic, Pakistan, Thailand, Venezuela and Zimbabwe.

Looking forward, Pingdingshan University will insist in the development strategy of gaining establishment with education quality orientation, creating prosperity with talents, obtaining development with scientific researches, improving fame with features, and promoting vitality with opening, actively serves and integrates new development pattern dominated by domestic general circulation and mutually promoted by circulations at home and abroad, and strive to built applied-oriented university with distinctive features, prominent advantages and strong capacities to serve regional economic and social development. 
