Jiangsu Normal University



“Apply What You Learn” Winter Camp for Improving Oral Chinese Communication Ability


To arouse and maintain the enthusiasm of the overseas learners of Chinese learning, and to meet the urgent need of the understanding of Chinese language and culture, our project makes full use of modern technology, so that the overseas Chinese learners can complete the "deep experience" of Chinese learning in the real context without going abroad to promote their Chinese spoken language communication ability and enhance the confidence of learning Chinese. Relying on language learning, it will showcase the booming social landscape of China, enhance students' understanding and cognition of the excellent culture of contemporary China, promote mutual learning between different civilizations, and promote language and cultural exchanges between China and other countries. Our project is carried on in the form of small-size class. In addition to the teachers, each class has a teaching assistant. The courses mainly adopt the combination of real-time teaching, online activities (using platforms such as Chinese Alliance) and video courses (using the online experience platform of Chinese Bridge) to build a "cloud" communication platform, through audio and video, pictures, animation, classroom discussion, homework in and out of class and other tools to complete the communication and interaction between teachers and students. Centering on the core content of "how to improve oral Chinese communication ability in daily life", and aiming at "consolidating language foundation, improving oral communication ability and strengthening cross-cultural understanding", it creates common communication scenes in daily life , and conduct large-scale training on 14 functional topics, such as modern life, tea culture, shopping etc., to improve students’ oral Chinese communication ability, supplemented by relevant cultural knowledge, so that students can deepen their experience and understanding of the appropriateness of language use.


本次冬令营采用小班化教学,除任课教师外,每个班级配有一名“班主任”。主要采用实时授课+线上活动(利用中文联盟等平台)+视频课程(使用汉语桥团组线上体验平台)结合的方式,搭建“云端”交流平台,通过音视频、图片、动画、课堂讨论、课内外作业等工具,完成师生之间的交流互动。围绕“如何提高日常生活中汉语口语交际能力”这一核心内容,以“夯实语言基础,提升口语交际能力,强化跨文化理解力”目标,创设日常生活中常见的交际场景,以 14 个功能话题,如中国现代生活、茶文化、购物等为纲,进行大容量的训练,提升学生汉语口语交际能力,并辅以相关的文化知识,加深学生对语言使用的适切性的体验和理解。

General Courses 通用课程