Xi’an University



With the theme of "Belt and Road Roundtable International Youth Exchange Meeting", this project inspires young people from all over the world to have an in-depth understanding of modern civilization and sustainable development through the form of "United Nations Model Class" forum activities and through the form of Model United Nations Forum, from the novel and interesting "Roundtable Icebreaker" to the experience of Chinese folk customs, so as to promote mutual learning and people-to-people bonding between Chinese and foreign civilizations.

本项目以“一带一路圆桌派 国际青少年交流会”为主题,通过“联合国模拟小班”论坛活动形式,通过模拟联合国论坛形式,从新颖有趣的“圆桌破冰会”到中国民俗风情体验,启发各国青少年深入了解现代文明与可持续发展理念,从而促进中外文明互学互鉴与民心相通。

General Courses 通用课程