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Nanjing University Of Chinese Medicine


Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine



南京中医药大学创建于1954年,是全国建校最早的高等中医药院校之一,是江苏省人民政府与国家中医药管理局共建高校, 学校于2017年入围国家“双一流”建设高校和江苏高水平大学建设高校,2018年成为教育部和江苏省共建“双一流”建设高校。建校之初,学校即为新中国高等中医药教育培养输送了第一批师资,编撰、制订了第一套教材和教学大纲,为新中国高等中医药教育模式的确立和推广作出了开创性贡献,被誉为中国“高等中医教育的摇篮”。


学校现有国家重点学科3个,国家重点(培育)学科2个,江苏高校优势学科4个,江苏省品牌专业3个,江苏省重点学科10个,国家中医药管理局中医药重点学科33个。学校是全国首批博士学位、硕士学位授予单位,有中医学、中药学、中西医结合、护理学4个一级学科及中医1个专业学位博士学位授权点, 11个一级学科硕士学位及5个专业硕士学位授权点,3个博士后科研流动站。在全国第四轮学科评估中,中医学、中药学、中西医结合三个主干学科均进入A类。临床医学、药理学与毒理学2个学科进入ESI全球排名前1%,2019中国大陆高校ESI机构排名位列第128位,2017年入围U.S.News世界大学排行榜,2018年上榜自然指数国内高校TOP200,入围美国Scimago中国大学“学术”排名前128强,入围“双一流”建设高校本科教育质量百优榜,艾瑞深校友会2019年中国大学一流专业排名100强。




Established in 1954, Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine (NJUCM) is one of the earliest established universities of Traditional Chinese Medicine in China, and is a university jointly constructed by the People’s Government of Jiangsu Province and the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine of the People’s Republic of China. The university was included in the national “Double First-Class University Plan” and the Jiangsu High-Level Construction University Plan in 2017, and became a “Double First-Class University” jointly constructed by the national Ministry of Education and the Jiangsu Province. Over the last 64 years, NJUCM has trained the first wave of teachers, created the first edition of textbooks and teaching syllabus, produced the earliest academicians in TCM field, made fundamental contribution the establishment and promotion of higher education mode for P. R. China, therefore has been renowned as “the cradle of China’s higher education in Chinese Medicine”.

NJUCM now has 3 national key disciplines (first rank), 2 national key (cultivation) disciplines, 4 preponderant disciplines in Jiangsu Province, 3 Jiangsu Provincial Brand Programs, 10 key disciplines of Jiangsu Province level, 33 key disciplines of State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine of the P.R.C. NJUCM is among the first batch of universities eligible of awarding master and doctoral degrees in China. Now it boasts 4 doctoral programs (first rank) in Chinese Medicine, Chinese Medicine Pharmacology, Integrated Chinese and Western Medicine, Nursing, 11 master degree programs in first-rank disciplines, 5 professional master degree programs as well as 3 post-doctoral working stations. Its three major disciplines, Chinese Medicine, Chinese Materia Medica, Integrated Chinese and Western Medicine have all won A-class disciplines in the Ministry of Education’s fourth evaluation. Its two disciplines, Clinical Medicine, Pharmacology and Toxicology, Chemistry have been included in the top 1% of Global ESI ranking. In 2019, NJUCM is placed 128 for ESI ranking in Chinese mainland universities. In 2017, it is included into the U.S. News World University Ranking. In 2018, it entered Nature Index Ranking and was Scimago 2018 Academic Top 128 Ranking for Chinese Universities, achieving 17th Place in 2019 Double First-class and Disciplinary Construction Universities Ranking for Educational Quality, and entering Cuaa.Net 2019 Top 100 First-class Programs.

The university is WHO Collaborating Center for Traditional Medicine designated by the World Health Organization, and is International Acupuncture Training Center approved by the Ministry of Health, and is one of the first advanced Chinese Medicine institutions authorized by the Ministry of Education to enroll international students as well as students from Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau. In 1993, NJUCM pioneered the practice of cooperating with RMIT University, Australia to facilitate the Bachelor program of Chinese Medicine. NJUCM makes every effort to promote the understanding of Chinese Medicine in foreign countries with special focus in developing Confucius Institute and overseas Chinese Medicine Center. A leading Chinese Medicine Confucius Institute was established by NJUCM in collaboration with RMIT University, Australia on June 20, 2010. H.E Mr. Xi Jinping attended the opening ceremony and delivered keynote speech. In February, 2019, NJUCM signed agreement with National University of Ireland (Galway) to jointly build to Build a Confucius Institute of Chinese and Regenerative Medicine, which is a positive exploration in implementing H.E. Mr. Xi Jinping’s important instruction on promoting the better fusion of traditional and modern medicine with openness and tolerance, and in carrying forward the overseas development of Chinese medicine in the new era. NJUCM currently has extensive communication and contact with over 90 countries and regions worldwide. It has established 8 overseas Chinese Medicine Centers in succession respectively in Oceania, Europe and America.