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Shihezi University


Shihezi University


石河子,地处天山北麓中段,准噶尔盆地南部,面积460平方公里 ,东距自治区首府乌鲁木齐150千米,拥有新疆两所211大学之一的石河子大学。


Shihezi is located in the middle section of the northern foot of the Tianshan Mountains, in the southern part of the Junggar Basin, covering an area of 460 square kilometers, 150 kilometers east of Urumqi, the capital of the autonomous region, and has Shihezi University, one of the two 211 universities in Xinjiang.  

In June 2017, Shihezi City was named a National Sanitation City. In the same year, Shihezi City re-examined and confirmed that it continued to retain the honorary title of National Civilized City. In November 2018, it was selected into the 2018 National "Hundred Counties List" and the top 100 cities in the overall well-off index in China. On August 13, 2019, it was selected as a pilot city for the construction of the National Urban Medical Consortium. 2019 Top 100 Counties and Cities in Western China. In October 2020, it was rated as a national model city (county) with dual support.