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Beijing Institute of Technology


Beijing Institute of Technology


北京理工大学1940年诞生于延安,是中国共产党创办的第一所理工科大学,是新中国成立以来国家历批次重点建设的高校,首批进入国家“211工程”和“985工程”,首批进入“世界一流大学”建设高校A类行列。学校现设有18个专业学院、9个书院以及前沿交叉科学研究院、先进结构技术研究院、医工融合研究院等教学科研单位,工程、材料科学、化学、物理、数学、计算机科学、社会科学先后进入ESI国际学科排名前1%,其中工程和材料科学学科进入前1‰。学校现有教职工3400余名,全日制在校生2.8万余人,致力于培养“胸怀壮志、明德精工、创新包容、时代担当”的领军领导人才。在教育部“全国大学生创新创业年会”上,共15件作品获“十佳作品”奖;2017年,学生在阿联酋首都阿布扎比举行的无人机及机器人领域国际顶级赛事中获冠军;2018年,学生获“创青春”全国大学生创业大赛四项金奖,获第四届中国“互联网+“大学生创新创业大赛总冠军、季军和高校集体奖,获英国国际大学生飞行器设计大赛载重飞行组冠军;2019年,学生获第五届中国“互联网+“大学生创新创业大赛两项金奖和高校集体奖,在加拿大蒙特利尔举行的ICRA 2019 RoboMaster人工智能国际挑战赛中获总冠军,在美国波士顿举行的国际遗传基因工程机器大赛(简称iGEM)中获两项金奖。近五年,学校本科生就业率一直保持在97%以上,研究生就业率达98%以上。面向国际,学校已经与6大洲75个国家和地区的346多所高校签订校级合作协议,与德国慕尼黑工业大学、亚琛工业大学、俄罗斯鲍曼国立技术大学、荷兰代尔夫特理工大学、日本东京工业大学、以色列理工大学、美国伊利诺理工大学等70多所合作院校设立学生交换项目,形成人才培养国际化的全球网络。

Beijing Institute of Technology (BIT) has been one of the key universities in China since the founding of New China and the first batch of universities which has entered the national “211 Project”, “985 Project” and the “Top A World-class University”. BIT now has 18 professional schools as well as Xu Teli School, Advanced Research Institute for Multidisciplinary Science, Institute of Advanced Structure Technology, Institute of Convergence Medical and Engineering, etc. Engineering, material science, chemistry, physics, mathematics, computer science and social sciences ranked in the top 1% of ESI international disciplines, among which engineering and material science ranked in the top 1‰. 

With more than 3400 staff and 28,000 full-time students, BIT aims to develop students as leaders with ambition, wisdom, innovation and sense of duty. It has received 20 national teaching awards, 14 national excellent courses, 10 national excellent video courses, 9 excellent resource-sharing courses, 15 excellent online courses and 2 national virtual simulation experiment programs up to now. BIT comprises. Students of BIT have won 15” top 10 works” in 9 consecutive annual conference on innovation and entrepreneurship of college students, ranked 1st of the Chinese universities. Students won the champion of the international top events in the field of UAV in 2017, the golden metal of the China College Students’ Entrepreneurship Competition and top two of the “Internet+” Competition in 2018, the final champion of the ICRA 2019 RoboMaster AI Challenge, two gold awards in the International Genetic Engineering Machine Competition (iGEM) in Boston, USA in 2019. In the past five years, the employment rate of undergraduates has remained above 97%, and the employment rate of postgraduates has reached more than 98%. Currently, BIT has established inter-university collaboration with more than 270 renowned universities in 74 countries and regions on six continents and student exchange program with more than 70 partner universities. BIT is building an international university, and has created a global network for exchange and cooperation.