Hebei Normal University



Enjoying Learning Chinese: Hebei Normal University's "Chinese Bridge" Indonesian Delegation Online Program is aimed at students of the SD Kebon Dalem, Semarang, Indonesia. The program covers exciting courses, such as: "Campus Culture: Touring the Campus," "Food Culture: Happy Foodie," "Economic Culture: Shopaholics," "Musical Culture: The Battle of the Voice," "Art Culture: Magic of the Hand," "Fitness Culture: Sportsmanship" "Travel Culture: Fly with Me," etc. We adopt theme-based and task-based teaching methods and choose topics popular among Indonesian high school students. We also review and discuss key vocabulary and grammar points, strengthen listening and speaking training, combine visual, listening, and speaking with fun activities. Our program is designed to help students learn Chinese and have a good time at the same time.

河北师范大学“汉语桥”印度尼西亚学生线上团组项目“学汉语,品中国”面向印尼三宝垄科邦达勒姆高中the SD Kebon Dalem, Semarang, Indonesia学生,包括“校园文化——走遍校园”“饮食文化——吃货快乐”“经济文化——购物狂人”“音乐文化——麦霸争锋”“艺术文化——巧手魔幻”“健身文化——运动达人”“旅游文化——带你去飞”等,采取主题教学、任务型教学设计,选择印尼中学生喜爱的话题,复习并适当拓展有关词汇及重点语法,强化听说训练,视、听、说与娱乐活动相结合,活泼有趣,动脑动手,寓教于乐,帮助项目学习者学习中文,感知中国,共度一段美好的学习时光。

Experiences 学习心得

General Courses 通用课程